Morogoro School Of Journalism

Morogoro school of Journalism {MSJ} Was born early in 1995 under the umbrella of the training  of resources and technology management{TRETEM}.It was the first privately owned School in imparting journalism skills and knowledge in Tanzania.


With the restructuring TRETEM School in 1998, MSJ was born officially under its current name with the appointment of a principal.

As such, courses offered were upgraded and the certificate course that was offered came to be known as the Advanced Certificate in journalism {ACJ}.The curriculum was also reviewed to fit into the new course.

In reviewing the courses another course was started in 2012 known as the Diploma in Journalism Course. This was in line with the changing world of the technology where student were required to concentrate on approaching the  problems that could  be faced tomorrow instead of concentrating on old methods of imparting knowledge with old devices.

When the National council For Technical Education {NACTE] came into existence, MSJ being one of the tertiary Schools, was required to fulfill some requirements in order to be registered under it. Also NACTE instead  that method of imparting the required skills and knowledge should be reviewed to strengthen the practical side of the syllabus . As such there was need to review the curriculum and come up with new prospector  that will produce newborn journalist who can compete in the labour market in the globalization era.




It is my pleasure to welcome both new and continuing   students to Morogoro School of Journalism for the academic year 2020/2021. The college has full registration by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) with registration number RE/PWF/005. It offers one (1) course in diploma and certificate level.

I urge all students to utilize their time effectively for learning in order to build an understanding, skills and knowledge so as to become competent graduate to fit in the employment market as our motto says “Media for democracy”

It is our hope that prospective, new and continuing students will use this publication in determining courses offered, admission requirements, class modules, hours and assessments, examination rules and regulation as well as graduation requirement.

Welcome to Morogoro School of Journalism